Plymouth Library 4/11/18 10am-12pm
RSVP requested
For the third year in a row the Hennepin County health department will be offering a meeting specifically for farmers’ market managers before the busy summer season. We will again be offering a separate meeting directly following the farmers’ market meeting for coordinators/event holders/vendors of special “short-term” events within the county’s jurisdiction. As market managers or event coordinators/special event organizers/vendors, we would like to invite you to these meetings. Please forward this email to others if needed. All are welcome, even those that are thinking of becoming involved in farmers’ markets or special events – this would be a great informational session.
During the farmers’ market meeting we will go over the Cottage Foods exemption, sampling, approved and non-approved licenses, inspections, talk about common issues seen at markets, touch on basic food safety and answer any questions that come up.
During the special events meeting, we will discuss stand set-up, licensing, inspections, touch on common issues seen by inspectors at special events, and answer any questions.
Everyone is welcome to attend one or both meetings. The information provided at these meetings will be specific to areas that Hennepin County Public Health Department inspects (not Minneapolis, Bloomington/Richfield, Edina, Minnetonka/Wayzata or Brooklyn Park).
The meetings this year will be located at Plymouth Library (15700 36th Ave N, Plymouth, MN 55446 – large conference room). The farmers’ market meeting will go from 10-10:45am. We will take a short break and then go right into the special event meeting from 11-11:45 with the option to stick around afterwards if you have further questions or would like to meet with inspectors.
Attached you will find the agenda. We hope you will be able to attend or send someone from your organization to attend in your place. We would like to provide a local health department relationship for your specific questions and operation. It’s our hope that as the managers/coordinators/event organizers/vendors, you are fully aware of the requirements in place and work with us to ensure safe food is being offered at events. We hope this meeting provides a platform for open communication and partnership between the health department and event holders/vendors/managers.
As space is limited, please RSVP by Monday 4/9/18 by taking this short survey. When you click on the link to RSVP, feel free to include any questions you have regarding the meetings or topics covered.