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Upcoming MNFEA Events

    • Thursday, March 27, 2025
    • 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
    • Wicked Wort Brewing Company 4165 W Broadway Ave Robbinsdale, MN 55422

    MNFEA Post Conference Round Table Discussions

    As we dive into another year of events, join thought leaders and peers for engaging round table discussions on key industry topics. Exchange ideas, strategies, and best practices as we explore ways to motivate, energize, and think outside the box while planning for the year ahead. Round table discussions will focus on monetizing your event, Operations & Logistics, event trends, vendor management, and entertainment. Share tips, tricks, and innovative approaches to navigating the ever-changing event landscape!

    Table hosts include: 

    • Operations & Logistics - Steve Madson
    • Monetizing & Sponsors - Sara Collins & Deb Schaber 
    • Entertainment & Event Trends - Kimberly Gottschalk & Meghan Gustafson

    Multiple tables will be set up, each dedicated to a different topic and led by a table host. Choose a table based on what you want to learn more about or where you can share your expertise. Every 20-30 minutes, groups will rotate, giving you the opportunity to gain insights from multiple discussions and connect with a variety of industry professionals.  

    Didn't attend the conference, it's okay, join us for the conversation! 


    Wicked Wort Brewing Company

    4165 W Broadway Ave

    Robbinsdale, MN 55422

    8:30am - 10:30am -  Complimentary coffee and danishes provided.

    Registration begins at 8:30am

    Round table discussions begin at 9:15am

    • Wednesday, April 16, 2025
    • 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
    • Crystal Community Center, 4800 Douglas Dr N, Crystal, MN 55429

    The Facts About Event Organic Recycling 

    There is increasing pressure to reduce landfill use and close the incinerator in downtown Minneapolis. To do this, organic recycling needs to increase on a large scale.

    THE PROBLEM: In organics recycling, the material a person puts in the collection containers goes right to the composting site. Therefore, if the person emptying the containers sees trash, it all goes as trash and the collection effort is wasted. 

    Join us as we learn how to effectively collect organic waste at events.  A panel of government stakeholders are here to help answer questions and provide more direction on this process.

    Speakers Include:

    Gwen Jenkins, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)

    Kellie Kish, City of Minneapolis


    Andre Xiong, Hennepin County Waste Reduction & Recycling Staff

    Crystal Community Center

    4800 Douglas Dr N, Crystal, MN 55429

    Wednesday, April 16th 


    • Thursday, May 08, 2025
    • 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
    • Landmark Center, 75 W 5th St, St. Paul, MN 55102

    The Art of Side Hustles, Contractors, and Volunteers

    Working with contractors, volunteers, and individuals looking for side hustles is an important part of events and festivals. This can be a daunting task with many unknowns. Join us to learn about industry tips for both businesses and freelancers that guide you through the process of how to make this as painless and efficient as possible.

    Thursday, May 8th


    Landmark Center

    75 W 5th St, St. Paul, MN 55102

    • Wednesday, June 18, 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
    • Online Networking Session

    MNFEA Virtual Coffee Break
    Wednesday, June 18, 2025
    9:30 am - 10:30 am

    Grab your favorite morning beverage and meet us online as we spend some time reconnecting and sharing what we all are currently experiencing in our industry and looking ahead to what the future might bring. This is a great opportunity to update people on your projects and share helpful resources.

    This will be an open dialogue format to discuss anything and everything industry related.  Come with your questions and experiences for this opportunity to share and reflect.

    We look forward to connecting with you!

    • Thursday, October 09, 2025
    • Loft 214 - 213 S Main Street, Stillwater, MN 55082

    Join us for a Fall Focus at Loft 214 in Stillwater, MN! This full-day event features engaging educational sessions, a provided lunch and happy hour, and valuable opportunities to network with industry peers. Don’t miss this chance to learn, connect, and grow!

    Loft 214 - Venue on Main

    213 S Main Street

    Stillwater, MN 55082

    • Wednesday, March 11, 2026
    • Friday, March 13, 2026
    • Plymouth

    We are excited to announce the 2026 MNFEA Annual Conference will be March 11-13, 2026 in Plymouth! We look forward to seeing you there.

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