Explore Minnesota invites you to participate in an industry-wide call about the COVID-19 crisis and the impact on tourism marketing in Minnesota.
This call will be held Thursday, April 9, 2 p.m.
Phone: 1-415-655-0003
Meeting number: 969-340-876
This call will provide you with the latest on what we have heard from the industry, how EMT is rethinking strategies and making plans for an unknown recovery, and share some ideas on how we can overcome.
As the horizon for recovery seems to constantly change, we plan to do a series of these types of calls. This is the first one to touch base with all of you on our strategies. We will schedule another call in a few weeks from that to offer additional insights and plans to help all of you.
It goes without saying that we are in unprecedented times. COVID-19 has impacted all of our lives and the travel and tourism industry severely.
Like all of you, Explore Minnesota Tourism is dealing with this crisis by looking at things in a whole new way. From marketing programs, to social media, public relations messaging and events, we’re refining and reexamining every aspect of our organization to meet the crisis at hand. And we know you are, as well. But you’re not alone. By working together, sharing ideas and collaboratively rethinking our approach to tourism marketing, we will overcome this crisis facing our industry.