The Facts About Event Organic Recycling
There is increasing pressure to reduce landfill use and close the incinerator in downtown Minneapolis. To do this, organic recycling needs to increase on a large scale.
THE PROBLEM: In organics recycling, the material a person puts in the collection containers goes right to the composting site. Therefore, if the person emptying the containers sees trash, it all goes as trash and the collection effort is wasted.
Join us as we learn how to effectively collect organic waste at events. A panel of government stakeholders are here to help answer questions and provide more direction on this process.
Gwen Jenkins, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
Kellie Kish, City of Minneapolis
Andre Xiong, Hennepin County Waste Reduction & Recycling Staff
Crystal Community Center
4800 Douglas Dr N, Crystal, MN 55429
Wednesday, April 16th